Frekar auðveldur Uglupúði frá Natprat, sætt í stelpuherbergið !!!

Who wants a NO SEW tutorial for this ADORABLE owl plushy that ONLY takes about 45 minutes to make? Even better, it only costs about $3 per plushie. This would be PERFECT for Activity Day projects or Young Women activities!
*NOTE* You can handstitch everything if you don't want to use the glue gun! ;)
6 sheets of felt
*2 sheets for body
*1 white for eyes
*1 for wings (any color you want)
*1 for belly (any color you want)
*one for the nose (I used orange)
Glue gun/gluesticks
Needle and Embroidery thread (any colors you want)
stuffing (not the kind you use in a Turkey...)
The Template (save it as an image, open in Word Processor/Works/Photoshop) and print
2 buttons (or you can cut out 2 small circles of felt for the pupils)
Each page is the size of an 8.5 x 11 piece of cardstock

After your pieces are stitched to your liking, you'll start to glue them onto the owl. Start gluing with the eyes. First, attach the buttons to the white circles. Then glue the white circles onto the "behind eyes" part. Then, the belly, and then the wings on top of that. Oh! And you can decorate the belly any way you want, too! I put a fabric rosette on mine. I learned how to make these at My Sparkle. She rocks. :)

Now for the hardest part. Just kidding. You're done! :)
Vá flott, langar að prufa! :)